Category: Tuscany

  • David and the Dome

    David and the Dome

    I remember feeling disappointed when I saw the Mona Lisa. It seemed small and was guarded by such thick glass that it was difficult to see. Today we visit two famous Florence sites, the Duomo, and, at the Galleria dell’Accademia, the statue of David. On our way to the museum, I fear that, again, my expectations are too…

  • Florence Revival

    Florence Revival

    Since yesterday and moments like this… …we’re feeling revived. Here’s why: 1. A peaceful night’s sleep. 2. Successful return of our rental car. 3. A quiet Florence neighborhood and a great circa 1600 apartment with a garden. 4. Replacement sandals. (nod to for refunding my money with only photos as proof) 5. Glimpses of the busy…

  • A Bump in the Road

    Our drive in to Florence did not go well. Mid-morning, we left Levanto and stopped in the town of Lucca for lunch and a stroll. Lunch was delicious and Lucca charming. Our plan was simple – drop the car at the rental agency and roll our cases over the bridge to our little apartment. But…